2008년 11월 7일 금요일

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer- "A Sensation"

"When Tom awaoke in the morning, he wondered where he was. He sat up and rubbed his eyes and looked around.Then he comprehended.

It was the cool gray dawn, and there was a delicious sense of repose and peace in the deep pervaing calm and silence of the woods...

Now, far away in the woods a bird called; another answered; presently the hammering of a woodpecker was heard. Gradually the cool dim gray of the morning whitened, and as gradually sounds multiplied and life manifested itself. the marvel of nature shaking off sleep and going to work unfolded itself to the musing of the boy...

Now a procession of ants appeared, from nowhere in particular, and went about their labors; one struggled manfully by with a dead spider five times as big as itself in its arms, and lugged it straight up a tree trunk...

A tumblebug came next, heaving sturdily at is ball, and Tom touched the creature, to see it shut its legs against its body and pretent to be dead. The birds were farily rioting by this time. A catbird, the northern mocker, lit in a tree over Tom's head, and thrilled out her imitations of her neighbors in a rapture of enjoyment; then a shrill jay swept down, a flash of blue flame, and stopped on a twig almost within the boy's reach, cocked his head to one side and eyed the strangers with a consuming curiosity...

All nature was wide awake and stirring, now; long lances of sunlight pierced down through teh dense foliage far and near, and a few butterflies came fluttering into the scene."

Pg 88,89

I wish i could write like this...

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